Frequently Asked QuesTions
Do prices include mailing charges?​​
Yes! All packages are professionally packed and shipped by priority mail. Fruits may take a few days to fully ripen before eating.
Small Box - We use USPS flat rate box, approximate dimensions 8"x 5" x 1.5"
Medium Box - We use USPS flat rate box , approximate dimensions 11"x8"x6"
Large Box - We use USPS flat rate box, approximate dimension 12"x12"x6"
Can you add your name to our mailing list?
Yes, most certainly. Just send us your contact information and any questions..
Which fruits are in season now?​
You can learn which products we have in stock and more information about our fruits by clicking “ "What's in season" tab
Are all fruits grown in Florida?
The fruits we sell are all grown in sunny Pine Island Florida! We do not use preservatives or other coloring to enhance appearance.
Can you ship internationally?
We limit shipments to the USA only. ( no shipments to California since they have an agricultural restriction)